by Reverend Misa
Prepare for this guided meditation by creating a private, quiet moment for yourself. Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Breathe gently into yourself. Enter into the dark, slow, cool and comforting womb of the sacred feminine.
Open you heart as you remember any moment in which you felt love. In that love, feel yourself accepted as you are. Rest in the womb of the Sacred Feminine.
Become aware of your heart and breathe into it, becoming increasingly aware of your sacred pulse. Sense, see, know the light that bursts forth with every beat of your heart—life’s impulse reaching out to become itself. Take pleasure in these flashes of longing—these flashes of becoming.
Become aware of your heart’s desire and enter into its timeless pulse. Feel the fulfillment within each beating of your heart. There is nothing it wait for. It is already here. It is the fulfilled expression of your light.
When you know that your heart pulsing in light, allow your attention to once more become aware of your body, feeling the physical nature of your body. Breathe deeply, exhaling through your mouth. Wiggle your fingers and toes. Gently open your eyes. Live in full expression of your beautiful light.
Please share. What was your experience with this guided meditation in the Sacred Feminine?
I’ve been unclear (though I didn’t think so) about my heart’s desire forever. During this meditation, I received/opened to complete clarity. My heart’s desire isn’t unconditional love from another, it is unconditional love from/for my SELF.
Thank you Misa! For this lovely meditation, as well as your gentle pure truths always.
Cathie, what a beautiful way to be with the meditation. I love that you discovered the unconditional love you desire is truly from yourself. That is the true gold!