
by Reverend Misa

I curl up next to your warm presence, and settle into the tenderness I feel for you. Aware of the feelings I hold in my heart, I listen to its music. Behind the rhythmic pulse of my heart, there is another drum beating. Your cadence, slightly different from mine, touches me to my soul. Your pulse is profoundly stirring – compels me to explore the depths of your rhythmic dance – to feel it entwined with my own.

Twisting, turning, gliding, you and I tease the floor with fleeting steps, falling spell to the compelling rhythm of the music. Bodies lightly held, we breathe into each others eyes. Closely drawn, chests pounding, I cannot tell whose heart beats inside me, yours or mine. Hearts, legs, arms, cheeks – the fullness of our bodies pulse as one movement across a timeless dance floor, floating together without awareness about where you begin and I end.