Is Love Your Soul Purpose?

In numerous classes, I have asked my students, “What is your unique purpose here on earth?” Without fail, their first response is “To love.””How wonderful!” I respond, “I believe to love is everyone’s mission here on...

Do We Define Our Purpose By What We Resist?

Chatting with a couple of friends today, it occurred to me that one of the ways we find meaning and define our lives is to live in resistance to something we don’t like. In other words it could look something like, “I’m not sure what I stand for, but...

Have You Discovered Your Soul Purpose?

A few months ago, I had what I guess you could call a near-death experience. When I realized I might not be returning to life on planet earth, I had a crystal clear realization about my life. In an instant I was aware that I had chosen to come to earth to complete two...