Have you been feeling as though there is something really significant for you to do in the world, but you can’t quite put your finger on it? Or you know what it is, but it scares the heck out of you? Or maybe you just don’t know where to begin?
Perhaps you are feeling a bit restless or anxious, like the spirit world is pushing on you to get busy with something. Do you find yourself feeling stuck, overwhelmed, confused, or not ready? (Soul Purpose has a great story on “Are We Ever Really Confused?” worth checking out. Link to the site is in the right hand column.)
This is your spirit, your spiritual momentum pushing on you to act now, because there are others in the web of of life who are counting on you—counting on your gifts, talents, message, touch or love. This is you—your inner spirit—nudging you (sometimes just down right, pushing you) to fulfill your destiny.
Our ancestors understood this energy and created Rites of Passage Ceremonies to help you transform the feeling of urgency inside you into outward action. If you really want to catapult your spiritual growth, consider doing a Rites of Passage Ceremony.
There are many kinds of ceremonies, any one of which could be supportive to you in your journey of spiritual growth. If you are feeling the nudge, you are blessed and you deserve to be spiritually and emotionally supported in your commitment of service.
Here are some Rites of Passage Ceremonies for you to consider:
Menses—the beginning of the journey into womanhood
Womanhood—acknowledging Spirit as your mother and parent; claiming your purpose
Manhood—acknowledging Spirit as your father and parent; claiming your purpose
Life Purpose—discovering your life purpose and making a public commitment to fulfillment
Ministry—committing to service as a spiritual minister
Elderhood—committing to greater service to your community; visioning the world to come
Naming—fully accepting your personal power expressed through a sacred name
And if you have a little one, a Welcoming Ceremony is a wonderful way to welcome him or her into their own unique spiritual path here on earth.
At SpiritQuest we draw from ancient Native American Ceremonies and we create new ceremonies to help you move through your transition into profound spiritual awareness, commitment and action to fulfilling your purpose.
A whole community of people and your spirit guides surround you with love, prayers and support as you enter into the mystical world of spiritual transformation. Your life becomes extremely focused and dedicated the moment you commit to doing the ceremony. This is what SpiritQuest is all about. As a community, we help each other make our spiritual transitions, catapulting us into greater spiritual awakening and service.
Preparations for such ceremonies begin 10 months prior to SpiritQuest. That means, with SpiritQuest taking place the end of June, we begin preparations in September. If you would like to learn more about the Rites of Passage Ceremonies of SpiritQuest, join us on one of these two calls:
SpiritQuest Rites of Passage Ceremonies on Wednesday, August 8th 5:45 Pacific time
Women’s Elderhood Ceremony on Monday, August 13th, 5:45 Pacific time
Call: 605-990-0550
Access Code 135303#
Looking forward to connecting with you about your spiritual journey!
Reverend Misa
Spiritual Director
New Dream Foundation