Do You Know What Motivates You?

My marketing adviser shared an insight about human nature the other day that made complete sense to me. He explained that we tend to be primarily motivated to act by either desperation or inspiration.He was actually reflecting back to me an insight I had some years...

E-Mails and Spirituality…

Lately I’ve been noticing a little brusqueness in some of the e-mails traveling across the ethers. When we are overwhelmed, tired, pressured, or just plain stressed, it is easy to get so much to-the-point that we forget kindness. We forget (or choose not) to pause and...

God Is Punishing Me…Or Is He? Is She?

An excerpt from my free report—“Beating the Odds: How to Identify 10 Beliefs that Can Short-Circuit Your Healing.”This is a belief I have seen people struggle with when they are in a middle of a healing crisis. Sometimes we just can’t help but wonder if perhaps God is...

Mother and the Sacred Feminine

She has nearly been forgotten, but not completely. Throughout history, she has been oppressed, repressed and suppressed, but she is still here. She is still here because she lives within you and me, and we have kept her sacred heart beating within us.In giving her...