Healing often consumes us. Learning how to get well and eliminate the pain can feel like and often is a full-time job. While we might not feel up to creating immense financial abundance, taking on big projects or stepping fully into our life purpose, exercising our creativity can provide us with inspiration to continue healing.
Some years ago, a friend of mine was suffering from a condition that created chronic pain for her. Each day, she put significant energy into healing and feeling good. However, pain has a way of constantly tapping you on the shoulder like an unforgiving friend.
She needed a way to get her mind off the pain–a place where she could become so absorbed she could forget about her challenges for a while. Knowing her talents I suggested something she could create with her hands. In no time, her hands were moving, her mind was occupied, and for moments she was enjoying life without pain.
As she began to feel better, my friend actually began selling the crafts she made at house parties and on-line. Her home-based business provided her with something to take her mind off the pain, be of service to others, and supplement her income.
Creativity inspired her healing process in multiple ways.
Next: The Powerful Effects of Taking Responsibility