In fact, why not celebrate someone who makes you feel jealous? Here is the thing about jealousy. We are feeling that way toward someone who has or is doing something we want.
It occurred to me one day—as I was feeling jealous toward someone who was having success in their career the way I wished I could experience success in my own career—that my energy was in the wrong place. Instead of letting their success drag me down, I should be riding on the wave of energy emanating from their success. To ride the wave, all I needed to do was celebrate what they had created.
I could mope about and feel bad for myself if I wanted to, but that certainly wasn’t helping me make any progress. And if they were living their life purpose with aplomb, isn’t that what I wanted for myself? So, if I applauded their choices and outcomes, wasn’t I, in a sense, affirming my own desires and goals?
Well, that’s how I reasoned it, so I started letting myself get excited for other people’s achievements. It felt as good as it did when I was a school-teacher and I was recognizing my students for their accomplishments. I went from feeling sad and unworthy in face of other’s successes to feeling empowered and excited, knowing that if one person could fulfill their life purpose, so could I.
This empowerment carried over into my own work. I noticed that as I gave someone a psychic reading, I looked for the ways in which this person was already successful in their lives and made sure this was addressed in the reading. When I sang a medicine song or created a sound healing recording for someone, not only did I address the illness, I invited sounds to celebrate the Divine nature of the person I was singing.
When a friend shared a personal success on the phone, I was no longer beating myself up internally for what I hadn’t accomplished. I was able to congratulate them and join in on their excitement with my heart wide open and proud for them. I became part of a greater whole of creation that included the people I knew, and even people I read and heard about. I became part of a wave of energy with a focus on the pleasure in success.
Who do you know that you would like to celebrate? Is there someone in your life who deserves your heartfelt congratulations? Someone who has been overcoming challenging odds that would love to hear from you about how remarkable they are? Is there a person in your life who isn’t noticing how well they are doing and would benefit from a word of praise from you? Is there someone you feel jealous of that you could choose to acknowledge instead?
Then, after you have celebrated someone else, I highly recommend celebrating you for jumping into the wave!