Earth Day is coming up and personally I think it should be a national holiday! After all, this planet is the mother of our earthly bodies and it seems to me she deserves a day in which we do not work and focus our attention on her. While it is not a holiday, it is a day of special focus around the world.
Founded by US Senator Gaylord Nelson in 1970, just one year later in 1971, April 22 became a day for global attention and appreciation for the environment when the United Nations celebrated Earth Day. Today, it is estimated that 175 countries and over 500 million people participate in Earth Day events.
Over the years I’ve noticed that we are becoming increasingly aware that we live in symbiotic relationship with Mother Earth, not just on her. What does that mean? The earth follows rhythms of creation that we experience as natural, such as the sunset, sunrise, day, night and seasons. These natural cycles trigger the production hormones and neurotransmitters in our bodies. Hence, our bodies and emotions respond to these natural cycles in terms of sleeping habits, appetite, moods, and more.
Consider how important it is for us to be in balance with these natural cycles known as Circadian Rhythms, as discussed in my book, The Root of All Healing:
“It is a common misunderstanding that earth is a thing we live on to be used to serve our needs. Earth is as alive as we are and we are living in symbiotic relationship with her. When we lose touch with that awareness, we begin living on top of her instead of with her. When this happens we can easily lose touch with our natural rhythms and cycles. Symptoms of being out of sync with our natural cycles, also known as circadian rhythms, include stress, physical tension, emotional frustration, depression…and all of these can contribute to ongoing illness.
The effects of being out of balance with natural circadian cycles is explained in a white paper by Apollo Health Incorporated: ‘In reality circadian rhythms control the timing, quantity and quality of the hormones and neurotransmitters the body produces and eventually secretes. Hormones and neurotransmitters are the elements that determine how we feel, our sleep patterns, our appetite, our sex drive and other sleep and mood related issues. When functioning properly, our circadian rhythms create circadian balance. When out of balance, quantity, quality and timing of hormone and neurotransmitter secretion suffer and our bodies suffer from a circadian rhythm disorder(CRD).’”
One of the most powerful ways I have found to get in sync with my natural circadian rhythms is to spend time in nature. It sounds profoundly simple, and it is. When I have been working late nights, getting little sleep, obsessing about my work, and basically over-doing it, the best natural medicine I have discovered is to get out of the house, out of the car, and put my feet on Mother Earth.” (For more about this and a copy of the book, visit: The Root of All Healing.)
So there it is—learning how to live with the natural rhythms of the earth is good for personal well-being. Living with the Mother is a natural and healthy state, often lost in our rushed pace and life styles that separate us from the earth. Unlike our forefathers and foremothers that lived and worked outside, we may find we need to remind ourselves to get out and get in sync with our Mother.
As we relax into more a more profound rhythm with her it is simply easier and more natural to regard her with greater respect, just as we would respect our own bodies. When we live with her rather than on her, we are healthier and so is she.
Are you thinking you would like to do something special for Earth Day? Here are
15 things you can do from your home or office to celebrate Earth Day.