Who is Misa?
“When we Hold ourselves in compassion, gently letting go of our limiting perceptions, all that remains is love.” –Mother Misa
Spiritual Director | Guardian of the Path of the Sacred Feminine
Reverend Misa Hopkins is the embodiment of love, and a life dedicated to the exploration of deep spiritual mysteries and awakening. A beloved spiritual adept and teacher, she is a beacon of compassion, clarity, wisdom and purpose. She is most recognized as the Guardian of the Path of the Sacred Feminine, an ancient practice of awakening for women.
Called to Serve Global Healing and Awakening
Misa facilitates a global ministry dedicated to ending the internal and external violence of oppression—realized by bringing the Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine into the balance needed for both personal and planetary healing and peace.
Misa receives support and inspiration from spiritual masters of many traditions that visit her in the dreamtime, including four Native Grandmothers on the other side of the veil. Through the Grandmothers, Misa was recognized and initiated as the reincarnated Guardian of the Path of the Sacred Feminine, rediscovering and teaching an ancient Sacred Feminine Holding practice—holding everything in unconditional love without expectation, so that all life may return to its original intent of loving expression.
She is the author of two bestselling spiritual books, Sacred Feminine Awakening: The Emergence of Compassion and Sacred Feminine Awakening: Wisdom from Mary Magdalene on Healing the Self. The latter is the first of several books for which Mary Magdalene has chosen Misa to deliver healing wisdom she originally wrote down 2000 years ago.
The best of what Misa has to offer is always available for free. Her most powerful meditations and teachings can easily be found on her websites. Even listening to her interviews, audio recordings and videos can unlock the heart and mind, as her voice is known to open doorways of healing and awakening.
Misa’s Spiritual Awakenings
Misa speaks about spiritual awakening in the same way her Native elders introduced it to her, as an endless process of shedding the limited body to become the limitless self.
Each day, Misa acknowledges, is an opportunity to compassionately release the limits of her beliefs and emotions, so that the limitless nature of love can permeate her being and her relationships.
Her own significant initiations of spiritual awakening, decades ago, caused her to leave a promising professional career and begin what would become a 10-year walkabout, communing deeply with Spirit by meditating as many as 8 hours a day for months. During this time, she apprenticed physically with two Cherokee elders, Grandmother River and Harvest Moon, as well as etherically with various Eastern masters, and was given the sacred names of Morning Star (Venus) and Amma (Mother).
Misa’s journey has taken her through numerous initiations, including deep immersion in the Sacred Feminine in Egypt on the Nile River, where she spent 24 hours as the complete presence of yin, darkness and stillness, Holding unconditional love for all life. Sometime later in a Holotropic Breathwork session with music, she experienced complete immersion in yang energy, the Sacred Masculine, as blissful and ecstatic, pulsating white light for approximately an hour.
The first time Jesus appeared to her, he came in the darkness of Sacred Feminine energy and filled her being with absolute love. A Divine voice asked her to write a song for him, which she did, and she still shares “Son of Morning Star” with people today. This experience of being completely loved in the embrace of the Sacred Feminine has become a foundation of her work, as she dispels the myths that evil is darkness, and reminds us that it is actually the essence of space itself, or yin energy, the Sacred Feminine womb and vessel of pure love.
Misa’s ever evolving journey of awakening has been blessed by multiple masters of various spiritual traditions, as she meets them in meditation, in the dreamtime, and in person. Their love, grace, and teachings have prepared her to fulfill her life’s work at this time. Some prefer to remain nameless, but she likes to acknowledge them for their presence in her life.

Misa and Mohanji
Misa’s First Dawn was experienced with a Siddha from India. She learned sound healing first from a physical teacher, Mouna Wilson, and later in dreamtime from a sound master in Japan. She has received Tantric guidance from masters, and with deep gratitude, respects their wish for privacy. Her life has been blessed by the grace of moments in Buddha consciousness, and the loving wisdom of Sathya Sai Baba, Gangaji, Dr. Pillai, Mohanji, her Cherokee ancestors, the Dalai Lama, Babaji, St. Germaine, Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene. There are many others that have graced her life with what she honors as precious moments, and she is mindful that teachers are everywhere.
Dedicated to opening herself beyond her immediate limits and perspectives of physical life, she has firewalked on multiple occasions, and has been on multiple Native vision quests, including a live burial.
While known as a spiritual teacher and healer, Misa is also a wife, daughter and mother, and grandmother. She found her husband, Jeff Burger, in 2003 when they both lived in Sedona, Arizona. He has been her rock during times when she needed to do deep healing work in alleviating MS and, later, cancer. He continues to be a powerful co-creator in their shared mission to end suffering and create greater love and beauty in the world.

Misa with her husband, Jeff
Although Misa never gave birth to children of her own, her daughter in Spirit, Sarah, came into her life many years ago. They share a deep bond, which has extended to Sarah’s four beautiful children, and Misa is their Mama Misa.
Misa’s parents died from cancer, which has provided Misa with great motivation to help all people evolve, so that we can transcend the effects of our current state of planetary imbalance, and also heal the emotional wounds that set those imbalances into motion. Her commitment as she continues to rejuvenate and awaken, and to help others do the same, is to do so for the sake of us all.
What People Experience with Misa
Misa’s presence is so deeply profound! In being held by Misa, I have experienced the emergence of life-altering insights and wisdom as well as all-consuming self-love for the first time. As a result of being Held over time, I have grown more attuned to my own intuition and developed an intimate connection with the Sacred Feminine and Universal Womb space. I am so infinitely grateful for Misa’s work and her devotion to Holding each and every person in a state of unconditional love and pure acceptance.
I have to tell you what an amazing affect your book has had on me. My Spiritual group is very focused on the Divine Feminine also and I have been touched so profoundly by this book, I am just kind of amazed! I did the Holding Meditation yesterday and had such an intense experience. Thank you for your own deep listening and the path you are willing to walk, and sharing it with those of us who are also seeking.
… for the first time I felt a spiritual connection to myself and everyone and everything around me. It was also the first time in my life others saw in me what I see in myself. It allowed me to embrace my potential along with my ability to “feel” the world again …
Misa is fearless. Coupled with that is her searing love that never falters. She is a master alchemist — guiding gently and powerfully while she assists and holds people greatly so that they may turn their base metals, out of the darkness, into light and gold. Her boundaries are impeccable; masterfully ensuring that there is no dependence or other strange or unhealthy dynamics in the process of spiritual growth.
I have the pleasure and honor of having three true Shaman healers in my life and she is doubtlessly one of them. The real thing. You may not realize this at first with her humble, sweet and unassuming ways, however you will come to see petal by petal as she blossoms slowly before your eyes as the true, deep, committed and powerful healer that she is. Any one would be lucky to have her in their life and will assuredly come to deeply value her service and insight.
Misa’s ability to hold anyone in this space is truly breathtaking. Her energy and attention to hold in the Sacred Feminine is so profound that the shift takes place in such a subtle and magnificently potent way that you never expect the outcome to be so swift or easy.