Space Available
Limited Time

Your personal invitation…
Please read, registration is only open through November 6!

Ceremony is an intentional act of creation—an invitation to go deeper into your most profound relationship with the Divine—the source of your healing and manifestation.

—Reverend Misa Hopkins

Would you like to help women deepen their experience in the Sacred Feminine?

Mother Misa is looking for 5-10 dedicated women who would like to:

  • Discover how to hold space for your fulfillment and that of others
  • Identify and fulfill unspoken needs
  • Enter into Mystical realms with Spirit through evocative, inspiring ceremonies
  • Catapult your spiritual growth through the sacred art of ritual
  • Manifest with greater ease through focused spiritual practice
  • Deepen your relationship to your true Sacred Feminine nature

What do Keepers do?

Becoming a Keeper is an opportunity to deepen your relationship to the Sacred Feminine as you create and facilitate contemporary ceremonies for men, women and children or learn to offer ceremonies for women in an ancient Native tradition.


Two Types of Keepers:

Keeper of the Water Ceremonies

When you complete your apprenticeship you will be initiated to facilitate these traditional ceremonies and initiations for women:

  • Full Moon Healing Water Ceremony
  • Baby Girl Initiations
  • Womanhood (menses)
  • Talking Circle
  • Plus contemporary ceremonies and rituals for men, women and children


Keeper of the Sacred Ways

When you complete your apprenticeship you will be initiated to facilitate:

  • Traditional Talking Circle
  • Contemporary ceremonies and rituals for men, women and children

Some women take the training to deepen their personal relationship with the Sacred Feminine, to then bring their deeper understanding into their coaching, counseling, and in helping individuals create personal rituals for themselves.

Guiding Principals for Keepers of the Water Ceremonies

Please read this PDF to learn more about what it means to join this circle of Sacred sisters as a Keeper of the Water Ceremonies.

How do I know if I’m being called?

Reflect on it quietly during prayerful or meditative time, and if it feels right, proceed.

You have an entire year to study and finally decide if your calling is true and you wish to commit to becoming a Keeper of the Water Ceremonies or a Keeper of the Sacred Ways.

During that time you will discover much that you can apply immediately in your spiritual growth and ceremonies. You do not need to be Native nor do you need to maintain a Native spiritual practice on a regular basis.

You do need to have a humble and open heart, with respect for the teachings of an ancient tradition.

You need to have a deep desire to hold space for others as they explore the depths of the Sacred Feminine within themselves.

You will be apprenticing with Mother Misa

Misa is the Guardian of a 1,000+ year old Path in the Sacred Feminine. She has been leading ceremonies for 25 years and has been a professional teacher for over 30 years, and she is an ordained minister through Holistic Resources Foundation.

Misa is an experienced and trained ceremonialist, so your training will begin in learning ceremonial techniques and approaches that you can use for any ceremony you choose to create.

As you progress, she’ll teach you specifics about the Full Moon Healing Water Ceremony, related ceremonies, meditations and journeys within her Native tradition of the Sacred Feminine.

Here’s what you’ll discover during 10 weekly sessions with Misa

  1. Understanding the True Meaning of Ceremony and the Role of the Ceremonialist
  2. Identifying the Hidden Gifts of Ceremonies
  3. Knowing How to Access the Power of Ceremony for Opening Divine Pathways
  4. Identifying the Key Elements of Meaningful Ceremony
  5. Knowing Your Ethical and Legal Responsibilities as a Ceremonialist
  6. Discovering How to Respond to the Unexpected
  7. Knowing How to Offer a Safe, Deep and Powerful Talking Circle and Ceremony
  8. Finding Out How You Become Fulfilled as a Ceremonialist
  9. Discovering How to Serve Your Community Through Ceremony
  10. Experiencing How Surrender, Acceptance, Desire and Commitment Lead to Fulfillment
  11. Experiencing How Holding in Compassion, in Sacred Feminine Practice, Can Release Life-Long Pain and Manifest a Joyful Life

You’ll Receive Extensive Training Through Classes, Circles, and an Initiation Retreat

  • Ten weekly sessions with Misa– November 11 -January 20 (Value: $600)
  • 6-9 Full Moon tele-ceremonies with Misa (priceless)
  • Six monthly semi-private calls with Misa as you learn to facilitate ceremony, February – July (Value $360)
  • Guidance for creating your talking stick and ceremonial dress; making or having your sacred water bowl made
  • Initiation at Misa’s home, August 23-26, with the ancient Mother Bowl. Out-of-country initiations will be done over the phone. (Value: $1,200)
  • Continued monthly calls for 9 months after your initiation. We request that you make a monthly donation of $25 to New Dream for your second year of monthly semi-private sessions with Misa. This supports our scholarship program.

Apprenticeship Requirements

  • Attend a minimum of 9 of 10 teleclasses, and listen to the recording of a class you are unable to attend
  • Attend a minimum of 5 of 6 circles, and listen to the recording of a circle you are unable to attend.
  • Participate in the classes and circles.
  • Attend a minimum of 6 tele-ceremonies with Misa.
  • Facilitate a minimum of 3 full ceremonies or rituals prior to initiation.
  • Attend your initiation in person if possible; otherwise via Skype or Facetime.

Your Investment

The total value of your first year of training and initiation is over $2,100 but…
It’s just $599 if you register by November 6.

When you register for the first 10 weeks of classes, you’ll also receive 6 follow-up, monthly semi-private counseling sessions as a gift from Mother Misa, as well as your Initiation (priceless).

Note: Just before your Initiation, you will be asked to contribute $50 to cover costs for the retreat. Most apprentices cover this and their travel costs from donations received through their ceremonies. Then during your second year, you are invited to make a monthly $25 donation to New Dream Foundation for your 10 support circles with Misa to support the scholarship program for future Keepers.


Compare this to similar trainings offered at $1,200-$2,000. Mother Misa and the Foundation are committed to keeping prices modest so women from around the world are able to train and facilitate circles, ceremonies and rituals in their communities.

Payment Options

Single Investment of $599
Three Investments of $200 per month.

Our No-Risk Guarantee

You may receive a full refund after the first session and before the second session, if the approach does not work for you.

Dates and Times of Sessions

The 10 class sessions are held every Saturday at 8:00 am PT; 11:00 am ET; 4:00 pm UTC. November 11, 2017-January 20, 2018.

Monthly circles occur the Saturday following each full moon, February-July, 2018.

Initiation is held at Misa’s home, August 23-26, 2018.


Application to Apprentice

The process begins with an application to apprentice.
Limited scholarships are available upon request. Request must be made before November 3.