Join Us In Ending the Abuse
as We Hold the Water of the Planet
in Divine Feminine Love
World Water Day, Wednesday, March 22nd

12 Noon Local Time
The water of this planet needs us!
We have created an imbalance that longs to be rectified. We see it in polluted water, sea animals dying, droughts, lack of snow in the mountains, and melting ice at the poles.
If you believe that love is the ultimate healer:
- Sign up to a receive a special Holding meditation
- Join us at 12:00 noon your time
(Or Hold with us in Spirit, any time of the day that you can.)

Holding in Divine Feminine Energy
What Makes This Meditation So Powerful?
What makes this particular meditation so powerful is that it does not try to “fix” anyone. Fixing and mending tends to push the most wounded away. In this meditation, we simply accept people as they are and gently hold the wounded, broken places within them so they can attract what they need.
Ultimately, they heal themselves, as their pain and anguish dissolve in the presence of pure unconditional love we hold.
As they experience their own deep love, their creativity for problem solving is stimulated and their pure love is a strong magnetic energy that attracts what they need to rebuild their lives.
The Holding meditation has been used for hundreds of years (originally by Native women) to release emotional burdens and free the soul to live its full potential. Step, by step, inside the meditation, you will be guided through the energy fields that establish safety for you and the one(s) that come to you to be held in love.
Holding is the oldest form of Sacred Feminine prayer.
It is an ancient and proven, compassion-based way to heal and manifest.
When you Hold, you enter the primordial womb of all life that holds all potential for life—past, present and future.
There, you rest in the arms of Divine love as you hold the spirit of the water.
As we join together in realigning with original Divine love and intention, the spirit of the water (inside us and on the planet) naturally returns to wholeness.
The guided meditation walks, you step-by-step through the process of healing in the arms of the Sacred Feminine.
Thank you for bringing your love to the water.
Holding you in my heart and songs as together we Hold the water,
Mother Misa

The Holding guided meditation is facilitated by Mother Misa Hopkins, the Guardian of an ancient Native practice based in the Sacred Feminine. She is the spiritual director of New Dream Foundation and the bestselling author of the “Sacred Feminine Awakening” series available through Amazon.
Share with your friends. Together, we can heal the water.