A community of women and men dedicated to healing and awakening in the Sacred Feminine.
Sacred Feminine Awakening is sponsored by the New Dream Foundation, established in 2008. We actively support feminine principles of wisdom in spiritual practice and global leadership, recognizing the importance of the female voice and vision in guiding the male spiritual principle of action in the world. We do this through ritual, education and service.
The Foundation upholds that all life is sacred. We recognize that the Divine lives in all things, within humanity and all of creation. We acknowledge all paths lead to the Divine. As beings of Divine origin, we commit to a sense of moral responsibility to each other and the planet that transcends any single religion or spiritual tradition.
Reverend Misa Hopkins
Reverend Misa is the Spiritual Director of the Foundation and Guardian of the Path of the Sacred Feminine. She is the embodiment of love, and a life dedicated to the exploration of deep spiritual mysteries and awakening. A beloved spiritual adept and teacher, she is a beacon of compassion, clarity, wisdom and purpose.
Misa is most recognized as the Guardian of the Path of the Sacred Feminine, an ancient practice of awakening for women. As such, she facilitates a monthly global Women’s Full Moon Tele-Ceremony, and apprentices Keepers to facilitate traditional and non-traditional ceremonies in their communities.
Her own significant initiations of spiritual awakening in both the Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine, decades ago, caused her to leave a promising professional career to apprentice with two Cherokee elders. Since then she has been blessed with wisdom and spiritual awakenings through the grace of spiritual masters from various traditions.
Misa now facilitates a global ministry dedicated to ending the internal and external violence of oppression—realized by bringing the Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine into the balance needed for both personal and planetary healing and peace. Discover more about Misa’s spiritual awakenings and her healing work.
Reverend Ariann Thomas, JD
Reverend Ariann is Administrative Director and President of the Foundation, and First Elder and Keeper of the Path of the Sacred Feminine. She brings expansive views with her study of science, history, and the nature of the Sacred Feminine. She is part Cherokee by heritage, a ceremonialist, intuitive reader, Reiki practitioner and healer. Ariann is a former State Assistant Attorney General and mediator, and brings valuable administrative expertise with her extensive experience as a board member for various non–profit organizations. She specializes in Ancestral Lineage Clearing and is the author of Healing Family Patterns; Ancestral Lineage Clearing for Personal Growth. ancestrallineageclearing.com
Janet Akers
Janet is the foundation’s Treasurer. She found her way to New Dream Foundation’s Sacred Feminine Awakening while searching for a community of like-minded individuals to help her explore her spiritual path. She previously served on the board of directors for the Craftsmen’s Guild of Mississippi and the Vicksburg Art Association (Vicksburg, Mississippi). Janet is an artist and teacher, and enjoys combining the two activities to help others journey along their own spiritual paths. Janet is a Keeper of the Sacred Feminine, who has a great love of the outdoors and has deep connection to the earth. She has also served as artistic director of the SFA Web-Site.
Jeff Burger
Jeff brings his long–time vision of world peace through global spiritual community in areas such as the organization’s visioning, marketing and media technology. Jeffrey has provided marketing consulting and multimedia production services to Fortune 500 companies, and is the author of three books and over 500 articles in media productions. A talented artist, musician/composer and writer, he also co-creates Prescriptions from Heaven, free daily inspirations for creating heaven on earth. PrescriptionsFromHeaven.com
Keepers of the Water Ceremonies in the Path of the Sacred Feminine
These dedicated women have apprenticed with Misa in the Path of the Sacred Feminine and are initiated ceremonialists who offer ceremonies from this tradition (and more ceremonies) in their communities. Many of these women have volunteered at SFA, participated in retreats, quested, taught new initiates, and all have a deep commitment to the awakening of Sacred Feminine consciousness on the planet today. We are proud of their commitment and service, and delighted to introduce these beautiful, strong, compassionate women to you. To learn more about apprenticing to become a Keeper in your area, send an inquiry for more information to Reverend Misa.
Find a Keeper in your area

Ariann Thomas
Grass Valley, CA

Kelly Cole
Joshua Tree, CA

Judy Cole
Dearborn, MI

Cynthia Tierra
Sedona, AZ

Helen Sherry
Nipomo, CA

Cindy Mills
Pueblo, CO

Janet Akers
Bend, OR

Sandra Watt
Portland, OR

Issa Wight
Sedona, AZ

Patricia Lawson
Redford, MI
To contact a Keeper in your area, please send us an e-mail inquiry.
The first time I attended a Women’s Water Ceremony with Misa, I was profoundly amazed at the joy, power and wisdom that a sacred gathering of women brings forth. I wondered how it was possible that I had missed out on this phenomenon my entire life. Being a Keeper of this mystical Ceremony of the Divine Feminine and the waters of life offers me an education and mentorship in the gifts that flow through me as a woman. This power and grace is not mine, but it is given to me to share with our world. I have learned to become a creative force and to allow my voice to be heard. Where I was once afraid of power I now embrace it with a knowing that I serve as a spokeswoman for the divine aspect.
I remember being surprised at how much there is going on during what appears to be a simple ceremony. There is so much energy to track on so many levels. The training really helped break this down, so that ideally, it does feel simple and flowing while it’s happening. The concept of holding and allowing a thing to transform without force has been a pivotal one for me in the creation of deeper, more compassionate and more meaningful relationships with others and myself. I feel that I have a much deeper ability to be present with someone and allow their story to unfold without intervention or attachment. At times I can truly hold someone in unconditional love and that they can feel it.
When I attended the first water ceremony by Misa I felt like I had come home. Sitting in circle with women has always called to my heart and to be in circle under the full moon in true sisterhood was truly magical. Becoming a Keeper was such an honor because it allows me to hold sacred space for other women on the Path of the Sacred Feminine in a way that respects our feminine nature of allowing, nurturing, supporting and being. My connection to Mother Earth, Grandmother Moon and the waters grows stronger as I serve my community.
I know that the Sacred Feminine is also about the Dreamtime, and I had stopped myself from dreaming as a young girl, after a particularly disturbing dream the night before my first menses. To stop ourselves from dreaming is to cut ourselves off from our sacred power, our vision and augury, and on the night of the Initiation into becoming a Keeper of the Sacred Ways, I had a very powerful dream. It marked my Emergence into a new phase of my life. And it reminded me, that we weave the dream of our lives.