Sacred Feminine Awakening Ceremonies
Awaken aspects of the Divine Feminine that were nearly lost. Experience ancient, Native American ceremonies that have always honored the unique natures of both Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine energies in spiritual practice.
You are invited to attend one of these ceremonies—the Full Moon Ceremony—in-person or over the phone. If you feel called to offer ceremony, check out our Apprenticeship Program for Keepers of the Sacred Feminine (See below).

Monthly Full-Moon, Healing Water Ceremonies for Women
This is an ancient, Native ceremony of empowerment and awakening for women, using the element of water and focusing on the energy of compassion and the primordial womb of life. In this sacred space we Hold ourselves, others, and the water of this planet in the depths of our compassion, where the nature of the Divine reveals itself in moments of healing and awakening. Join us in this ceremony either in-person or over the phone.

In-Person Ceremony
In some parts of the country you can attend the Full-Moon, Healing Water Ceremony in person. These ceremonies are facilitated by initiated Water Keepers who have been trained in the Path of the Sacred Feminine. If you would like to attend one of these ceremonies, please contact us and we will let you know if there is a ceremony in your area.

Monthly Tele-Ceremony
Attend this ceremony using your phone or computer with the Guardian and teacher of this ancient Native ceremony, Reverend Misa Hopkins, or with First Elder, Reverend Ariann Thomas. The ceremony is approximately 1 hour long. Youʼll need a quiet place to be, a candle, a bowl of water, and of course a telephone or computer. Sign up for our newsletter to receive announcements about the upcoming teleceremonies. You will also receive The Holding MP3 (an ancient, Native, Guided Meditation in the Sacred Feminine), plus information about other ceremonies and experiences in the Divine Feminine.
Rites of Passage Ceremonies

The Water Keepers of New Dream Foundation offer a variety of Rites of Passage Ceremonies for women and girls — Birth (for baby girls), Menses, Life Purpose, Elderhood, and Death.
Contact us for more information about these ceremonies.
Become a Keeper of the Ceremonies

If you are interested in becoming a Keeper of Sacred Feminine Ceremonies, either Native water ceremonies or contemporary ceremonies, you can be trained and initiated through our apprenticeship program. Here are the options:
Keeper of the Water Ceremonies
Train in the Path of the Sacred Feminine to offer these traditional native water ceremonies for Full Moon, Baby and Menses Blessings. Additionally, you learn how to offer ceremonies of your own inspiration and creation to awaken the Sacred Feminine, and for special occasions such as weddings, funerals, and more.
Keeper of the Sacred Ways
Train in the Path of the Sacred Feminine, and be initiated as a ceremonialist to offer ceremonies of your own inspired creation to awaken the Sacred Feminine within, and for special occasions, such as weddings, funerals, and more.